Jill Estes

BS Nutrition 2010 Cal Poly, SLO

What she does now:

Masters in Public Health at Baylor University, Texas
For my graduate assistantship I am teaching as a health and human behavior teacher, which I love! My nutrition background has really come in handy for me in that the nutrition unit is definitely my favorite unit to teach. I have one more semester of teaching and classes, and then I will complete one semester in a public health internship. I just returned from Brazil for my MPH practicum experience. It involved five weeks of health education in the areas of Vitoria and Anchieta. It was an incredible experience! I was in charge of teaching fitness. We hosted health fairs, and partnered with churches to do health education ministry. It was so incredible to use my passion for health, fitness, and traveling all together for my practicum.

Why she recommends Cal Poly's Food Science and Nutrition Department

"This whole MPH program has been so professionally formative for me, and I cannot reiterate enough to you how incredibly thankful I am for the education I received at Cal Poly and from my professors in the nutrition department. I felt so prepared for graduate school. I truly feel Cal Poly provided me with the strongest building blocks to grow in the health field."

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