Recent FSN Faculty’s Published Articles


Metabolites involved in purine degradation, insulin resistance, and fatty acid oxidation are associated with prediction of Gestational Diabetes in plasma. 

A new study, led by Nutrition program students in Dr. Michael La Frano's lab, was published in the journal Metabolomics. Lauren McMichael, Hannah Heath, and Catherine Johnson identified biomarkers for gestational diabetes. Click here to read the article.

Nutrition Screening, Reported Dietary Intake, Hospital Foods, and Malnutrition in Critical Care Patients in Malawi. 

Dr. Peggy Papathakis, G Barcus, A Schaffner and B Chimera have recently published an article. Click here to read the article. 

A novel intervention combining supplementary food and infection control measures to improve birth outcomes in undernourished pregnant women in Sierra Leone: A randomized, controlled clinical effectiveness trial. 

Dr. Peggy Papathakis, D Hendrixson, K Smith, P Lasowski, M Callaghan-Gillespie, J Weber, et al. have recently published an article in PLOS Medicine. Click here to read the article. 

Home Food Environments of Mothers in South-Eastern Africa and California- An illustration of Global Extremes. 

Dr. Peggy Papathakis, E Scudero, A Schaffner and S Phelan have recently published an article in the Global Journal of Health Sciences; Vol. 13, No. 11; 2021. ISSN 1916-9736 E-ISSN1916-9744. 

Associations between mothers' use of food to soothe, feeding mode, and infant weight during early infancy.

Dr. Peggy Papathakis, M Hupp, S Phelan and A Ventura have recently published an article in Appetite. 2021 Oct 7;168:105736.doi:10.1016/j.appet.2021.105736. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34627981. 

Student perceptions of rapid transition to emergency remote leaning in a hands-on agricultural college. 

Dr. Peggy Papathakis, G Rees, Y Pressler, G Bates, C Connolly, D Sommerlad-Rogers, A DeLay, S Gill, R Kronewitter and Dr. Amy Lammert have recently published an article in Natural Sciences Education (2021). Doi: 10.1002/nse2.20062.

Impact of Specialty Malts on Wort and Beer Characteristics

Dr. Luis Castro, Abigail Affonso and Renata Lehman have recently published an article titled, "Impact of Speciatly Malts on Wort and Beer Characteristics." Click here to read the article. 

Application of Team‐Based Learning for Teaching Food Analysis

Dr. Luis Castro, Steffen Peuker, and Jennifer Mott have recently published an article titled, "Application of Team‐Based Learning for Teaching Food Analysis." Check it out here on the Journal of Food Science Education.

Consumption of High-Fructose Corn Syrup Compared with Sucrose Promotes Adiposity and Increased Triglyceridemia but Comparable NAFLD Severity in Juvenile Iberian Pigs

Dr. Michael La Frano, Dr. Magdalena Maj, and Dr. Rodrigo Manjarin, in addition to other Cal Poly faculty, staff, and students from the departments of FSN, BIO, ASCI, CHEM, and STAT have recently published an article titled "Consumption of High-Fructose Corn Syrup Compared with Sucrose Promotes Adiposity and Increased Triglyceridemia but Comparable NAFLD Severity in Juvenile Iberian Pigs." This pig feeding study compared the effects of high-fructose corn syrup versus sucrose on nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and its associated biological markers. Click here for more information.

Nutrition Screening, Reported Dietary Intake, Hospital Foods, and Malnutrition in Critical Care Patients in Malawi

Grace C. Barcus, Peggy Papathakis, Andrew Schaffner, and Bernadette Chimera have recently published an article titled "Nutrition Screening, Reported Dietary Intake, Hospital Foods, and Malnutrition in Critical Care Patients in Malawi." Click here to read the article.

The Valorization of Baby Carrot Processing Waste

Samir Amin, Stephanie Jung, Iksoon Kang, and Ali Duval have recently published an article titled "Valorization of Baby Carrot Processing Waste." Click here to read the article.

Michael La Frano

The title of Michael La Frano's article is "Participation of Undergraduate Students in a Controlled Feeding Study with Metabolomics Analysis to Enhance Learning of Metabolism." Below are some images of Professor La Frano's students. Click here to read the article.


Angelos Sikalidis

In a comprehensive review, Dr. Angelos Sikalidis and collaborators discuss the evidence regarding non-alcoholic beverage consumption and the risk(s)/benefit(s) on cardiometabolic health. With the significant expansion of the beverage industry and the new trends and products appearing frequently on the market, the public is faced with a plethora of claims and information that makes it difficult to make an informed decision as per risk/benefit analyses in regard to health. We try to systemize what we know thus far in regarding this topic. Click here to read the full article.

Cal Poly's Dr. Angelos Sikalidis with co-workers, performed human clinical work in Istanbul, Turkey, investigating the relationship between utilizing optimal snacking practices and effectiveness of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus management among adult patients. Furthermore, dimensions such as Socioeconomic Status (SES) were taken into consideration to see how such parameters may modify diabetes management quality and subsequently quality of life and longevity. Findings revealed that SES, especially education, is positively associated with optimized snacking and better diabetes management. We are taking these lessons and applying them to our USDA funded project design Capacity Strengthening Undertaking - Farm Organized Response of Workers Against Risk for Diabetes: (C.S.U. - F.O.R.W.A.R.D. with Cal Poly) whereby we are developing educational modules and Al informed monitoring systems for optimal diabetes risk management among California Farm Workers and underserved population of essential workers at increased risk for Type 2 Diabetes. Click here to read the full article!

Recently published work from our faculty Dr. Kristo and Dr. Sikalidis from international Nutrition work done in the context of lifespan nutrition and chronic disease risk with adolescent students in Turkey, showed that there is a significant positive correlation between eating habits score, family affluence score and success rate of students as assessed by standardized scholastic aptitude test scores. This work underscores the importance of Nutrition regarding scholastic success in a country setting of epidemiological transition. Click here to read the full article!

Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a disease that affects over 9% of the United States population and is closely linked to obesity. While obesity subsequent T2DM risk is typically thought as a problem of positive energy balance there seems to be more complexity pertinent to this issue involving one’s own gut. Get more information on the topic by reading Dr. Sikalidis’ of FSN and his graduate student latest publication also selected to feature the journal’s cover. Click here to read the full article!

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